Poker3 Heads-Up Hold’em Strategy

For some of you that are experienced live casino players, you probably remember old school Limit Hold’em poker machines. These machines pitted players against AI poker players where you played Limit Texas Hold’em.
Most smart poker players could easily beat these machines and soon after the poker boom, many casinos started to phase these games out. Fortunately, you can still find these games at some online casinos in the form of Poker3 Heads-Up Hold’em.
Poker3 Heads-Up Hold’em is as close as you’re going to find to online poker at online casinos. Today, we will give you some basic poker strategy on how to play these games and win consistently.
The Difference Between Live Poker and Poker3 Heads-Up Hold’em
If you’re used to playing live Limit Hold’em poker, you need to know the differences in Poker3 Heads-Up Hold’em and most heads-up Limit Hold’em games. The first is that there’s no raising allowed. If you want to play a hand, you put up your bet and your opponent either calls the bet or folds. You cannot check. Your only options are play (bet) and fold.
The good news is that you know how much you will bet on each hand. Essentially, you will commit 3 big bets per hand. If you’re betting $1 per bet, you will bet $1 pre-flop, $1 on the flop, and $2 on both the turn and river.
The downside to this is that you cannot build big pots. However, this also means that you will not lose as much when your opponent has the goods.
Pre-Flop Strategy
When playing Poker3 Heads-Up Hold’em, you want to work with a somewhat solid pre-flop Limit Hold’em strategy. You are looking for the following hands:
- Pocket Pairs
- Any combination of Ax
- K-9 through K-Q
- Q-9 through Q-J
- J-8 through J-10
- Suited Connectors
If your hand doesn’t fall in this range, it is a good idea to fold it and move on to the next hand.
Flop Strategy
On the flop, you are wanting to continue in the following scenarios
- Pair or better
- Straight or flush draw
- Overcards to the board
All other scenarios should be considered fold opportunities. You’ve only committed a half bet to the pot, so you’re not losing much to bow out.
Turn Strategy
At the turn, you want to only continue if you have a made hand of a pair or better or if you have a straight or flush draw. Since you have to commit twice your bet, or the big bet amount, you want to have a shot to win.
Bluffing seldom works in this game as your opponent will often call down with any form of hand, including ace-high.
River Strategy
You either have a hand or you don’t. If you don’t have at least a pair, fold your hand. Your opponent will call you down with everything except for complete air. The majority of the time, they are calling, so betting without a hand is a long-term losing strategy in this game.
Tight is Right in This Game
In live poker, a tight strategy will often make you too predictable as a player and lead to either small wins or losing sessions. For Poker3 Heads-Up Hold’em, tight is right as the computer is not programmed to adapt to your style of play.
Your opponents have a pre-programmed strategy and you can generally come out a consistent winner with a tight strategy. While this is not the most exciting way to play poker, it is an old school way of playing and one that will generate consistent profits.
The great thing about this game is that you can play for as little as .20 per bet. While getting a feel for the game, play lower stakes and once you are turning a consistent profit, move up and build your bankroll.